Oceania, a vast ocean area dotted wih tiny islands, is home to a large number of fruiting trees, which are symbols of the legendary life of paradise and plenty in the region. Species grow there that are not well known outside Oceania, but which provide the island communities with varied and tasty foods. Eaten for thousands of years in that region of the world, they are nowadays making their appearance in the international marketplace.
From Melanesia to Polynesia women and men, heirs to an ancient knowledge and experts on their own flora, were questioned and were listened to. This work covers about fifty of the commoner fruiting species, is based upon the knowledge and teaching of these people. Richly illustrated with photographic plates, botanical drawings and distribution maps. It provides a comprehensive guide to these foods.
Each species is the subject of an individual dossier of assorted information: Latin name, common names, botanical description, ecology and exploitation, alimentary usages, other uses, etc.
To peruse this manual, discovering the tropical nuts and fruits, is like travelling from island, from the Highlands of New Guinea to the Polynesian shores, along the way becoming acquainted with the Oceanian way of life.
Editeur : IRD Éditions/Aciar
Collection : Guides illustrés
Publication : 1 décembre 2002
Edition : 1ère édition
Intérieur : Couleur
Support(s) : Livre papier
Poids (en grammes) : 772
Langue(s) : Anglais
EAN13 Livre papier : 1000000064650
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25,00 €
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