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This third volume of contributions from members of the IRD community - scientists, experts, artists, project leaders and representatives of civil society - brings the total number of articles published on this theme since 2022 to over 100. Structured around the triptych “understand, co-construct, transform,” these articles collectively amount to a compendium of sustainability science, a science which is rapidly emerging as a key response to some of the greatest challenges of the 21st century, and a catalysing force for the necessary societal transformations.


Editeur : IRD Éditions

Collection : Hors collection

Publication : 7 octobre 2024

Intérieur : Couleur

Support(s) : eBook [pdf]

Contenu(s) : PDF

Protection(s) : Marquage social (PDF)

Taille(s) : 6,89 Mo (PDF)

Langue(s) : Anglais

EAN13 eBook [pdf] : 9782709930413



  1. The science of implementation: from effective innovations to sustainable interventions
  2. Human transport systems and sustainability
  3. The food-energy-water nexus for small islands
  4. A paradigm shift in agricultural research to tackle climate change
  5. Geodiversity, geofunctionality and land planning: an interdisciplinary perspective on non-organic resources
  6. An obstacle to SDG 11 "Sustainable Cities and Communities" : what makes a "slum" ?
  7. An interdisciplinary approach to studying antimicrobial resistance
  8. Cognition at the heart of sustainability
  9. Global health challenges and solutions: what can sustainability science bring to the table ?
  10. The concept of the "sustainable city" in the Global South and the spectre of decolonisation
  11. What can genetics bring to the concept of ecological sustainability ?
  12. Women in debt: the invisible cost of sustainability
  13. Protecting marine food systems against the decline of coral reefs


  1. Intensifying the ecological functions of soils for a more sustainable agriculture: acting with actors
  2. Equitable research partnerships: putting theory into practice
  3. Fishing in the Amazon: play first, negotiate later
  4. Participatory research and sustainability science
  5. The ambivalence of low carbon research with partners in the Global South
  6. Analysing one's partnership style in co-constructed and co-directed projects
  7. Joint field work, a catalyst to transdisciplinarity
  8. Developing disaster science as a means of reducing risks


  1. The digital transformation of African universities: opportunities and challenges for the SDGs
  2. How can we amplify and promote the impact of scientific research on society ?
  3. Towards a didactics of sustainability
  4. Knowledge brokering: rising to the challenges of sustainability science
  5. Sustainability science in Horizon Europe collaborative projects
  6. Transformative territorial science: the example of the "Zones Atelier" network
  7. In defence of artistic ecologies
  8. Evaluating the sustainability of agricultural systems: The example of the Idea4 method
  9. Outcome Trajectory Evaluation – Analysing the impact of research on policy
  10. The Sustainable Development Goals in the IRD's scientific publications


  • Olivier Dangles (Coordination éditoriale de)

    Olivier Dangles est écologue, directeur de recherche et directeur délégué adjoint à la science en charge de la science de la durabilité à l'IRD. Ses recherches, ancrées dans une approche interdisciplinaire de science de la durabilité, portent sur la réponse de la biodiversité face aux changements globaux, à la fois dans des écosystèmes naturels et anthropisés.

    Olivier Dangles es ecólogo, director de investigación y subdirector científico adjunto encargado de la ciencia de la sostenibilidad en el IRD. Su investigación, anclada en un enfoque interdisciplinario de la ciencia de la sostenibilidad, se centra en la respuesta de la biodiversidad a los cambios globales, tanto en ecosistemas naturales como antropizados.

  • Marie-Lise Sabrié (Coordination éditoriale de)

    Directrice de la mission culture scientifique et technologique au sein de l'IRD, Marie-Lise Sabrié est également déléguée  « science avec et pour la société » auprès de la gouvernance de l'IRD.

  • Claire Fréour (Coordination éditoriale de)

    Claire Fréour est chargée de mission Science de la durabilité à l'IRD.

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