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In this second tome, more than 100 authors from the IRD ecosystem – scientists, heads of department, diplomats, project leaders and representatives of civil society – continue the process of collective reflection launched in 2022. Structured around the “understand, co-construct, transform” triptych, these interweaving perspectives on knowledge, know-how and life skills combine to offer an interdisciplinary vision of sustainability science which transcends sectoral boundaries.


Editeur : IRD Éditions

Collection : Hors collection

Publication : 15 septembre 2023

Intérieur : Couleur

Support(s) : eBook [pdf]

Contenu(s) : PDF

Protection(s) : Marquage social (PDF)

Taille(s) : 7,5 Mo (PDF)

Langue(s) : Anglais

EAN13 eBook [pdf] : 9782709930031



  1. Sustainable coexistence between humans and wildlife and the challenge of zoonotic diseases
  2. Sustainability science put to the test of science
  3. Crises and sustainability science: a public policy issue ?
  4. Zoonoses and sustainable urbanisation in the global south : understanding the risks to prevent them more effectively
  5. Green spaces and concrete : can they exist side-by-side ?
  6. Studying the evolutionary dynamics of the interaction between water and man in the past in order to plan for the future
  7. Towards more sustainable use of fish aggregating devices
  8. Food and dilemmas
  9. Fine particle pollution : a breadcrumb trail through SDG maze
  10. Food-friendly landscapes : moving beyond food sustainability
  11. Sustainable gathering, an example of reciprocal contribution between people and nature
  12. Crises and sustainability science : contingency and necessity
  13. Socio-ecological metabolism for thinking about the sustainability of society-environment interactions
  14. Soil health : a holistic and transdisciplinary approach
  15. Strong sustainability as a paradigm for bridging economics and sustainability science
  16. Space geodesy to observe changes in the Earth’s habitable conditions
  17. Studying territorial dynamics in the anthropocene


  1. Urban vulnerabilities to climate change : a case study from Bolivia
  2. Nature as an interdisciplinary object
  3. A shared fieldwork area : fertile ground for interdisciplinary research into cities in the global south
  4. Agroecological research :“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”
  5. Moving towards land degradation neutrality
  6. Utilising the critical zone concept in interdisciplinary research
  7. In defence of militant research : understanding and action insocio-hydrological territories
  8. Nutrition-sensitive aquaculture for more sustainable aquatic food systems
  9. Co-constructing scenarios for Indian Ocean deltas
  10. Moving beyond transdisciplinarity
  11. Sustainable food systems in the global south(s)
  12. International joint laboratories: experiments with a sustainable, equitable partnership model


  1. Sustainability sciences and education
  2. From urban tips to extractive territories : reformulating the waste issue
  3. How do we define "sustainable meat consumption" ?
  4. Isopolis, a project of societal transformation for La Réunion
  5. Academia and sustainability: towards a holistic approach
  6. The contribution of gender studies to transdisciplinary sustainability science
  7. Sustainability science in Mexico : taking the plunge
  8. The hatchet and the seed : never mind about old positions, let's work together !
  9. Managing marine ecosystems : the crucial contribution of research
  10. Scientific diplomacy: a concept still waiting to be invented ?
  11. Participatory theory of change and the agroecological transition
  12. New ways of working
  13. No sustainability science without open science


  • Olivier Dangles (Coordination éditoriale de)

    Olivier Dangles est écologue, directeur de recherche et directeur délégué adjoint à la science en charge de la science de la durabilité à l'IRD. 

    Ses recherches, ancrées dans une approche interdisciplinaire de science de la durabilité, portent sur la réponse de la biodiversité face aux changements globaux, à la fois dans des écosystèmes naturels et anthropisés.

  • Marie-Lise Sabrié (Coordination éditoriale de)

    Directrice de la mission culture scientifique et technologique au sein de l'IRD, Marie-Lise Sabrié est également déléguée  « science avec et pour la société » auprès de la gouvernance de l'IRD.

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