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A landmark text in global biodiversity governance, the Nagoya Protocol was intended to put an end to the uncompensated exploitation of natural resources and knowledge originating in the Global South. Its stated objectives were to establish greater justice and equity between providers and users of genetic resources, to foreground the contributions and knowledge of indigenous peoples and local communities, and to decolonise research, all while promoting the conservation of biodiversity.

Thirty years on from the Convention on Biological Diversity from which it originated, the authors examine the legal and practical outcomes of this virtuous framework, which came into force in 2014. Although it has certainly fostered greater recognition of the plurality of knowledge and advanced the traceability of resources, the Protocol has also helped to impose a narrowly marketoriented understanding of nature and knowledge, exacerbating demands for recognition and ownership in the Global South, and effectively restricting access to biodiversity in an era of globalised research.

This book presents an interdisciplinary dialogue informed by the experiences of researchers and conservation stakeholders (local communities, managers of collections and natural parks). Looking beyond the Nagoya Protocol, it invites us to question the relationships between societies and nature in light of the ecological emergency. It is intended for anyone with an interest in the economics of biodiversity and environmental justice.


Editeur : IRD Éditions/MNHN

Collection : Objectifs Suds

Publication : 1 décembre 2021

Intérieur : Couleur

Support(s) : Livre papier, eBook [PDF], Bundle Livre papier et eBook [PDF], eBook [ePub]

Contenu(s) : PDF, ePub

Protection(s) : Marquage social (PDF), Marquage social (ePub)

Poids (en grammes) : 503 (Livre papier), 503 (Bundle Livre papier et eBook [PDF])

Taille(s) : 838 ko (PDF), 1,89 Mo (ePub)

Langue(s) : Anglais

EAN13 Livre papier : 9782856539583

EAN13 eBook [PDF] : 9782709929127

EAN13 Bundle Livre papier et eBook [PDF] : 9782709929370

EAN13 eBook [ePub] : 9782709929462


Part 1 - Biological Resources : circulation and collection

  • Chapter 1 - Genetic Resources. From Domestication to Biological Resource Centres
  • Chapter 2 - Ex situ natural history collections. A potential renewed by scientific advancements 

Part 2 - The Machinery of the Nagoya Protocol 

  • Chapter 3 - What is the background of the Nagoya Protocol ? The assumptions of the Convention on Biological Diversity 
  • Chapter 4 - The Nagoya Protocol : experience and feedback from a researcher 
  • Chapter 5 - Biopiracy, the law and values. On the ideological basis for resource sharing.
  • Chapter 6 - Temporal aspects of benefit sharing. Limitations of the contractual tool 

Part 3 - Rethinking indigenous rights

  • Chapter 7 - Managing cultural diversity to manage biological diversity. Indigenous rights and State sovereignty over biodiversity 
  • Chapter 8 - Doing away with “indigenous” as a category in common law. In favour of a new vision of law: “round law” 
  • Chapter 9 - The protection of traditional knowledge associated with biodiversity in New Caledonia
  • Chapter 10 - Each to his own biodiversity and knowledge. Local knowledge and global legal instruments 
  • Chapter 11 -  From “associated traditional knowledge” to the notion of biocultural heritage 
  • Chapter 12 - Grand Customary Council of Amerindian and Bushinenge Populations. A new dialogue in French Guiana 
  • Chapter 13 - Sharing lessons learned from the establishment of an ABS mechanism (French Guiana Amazonian Park) 
  • Chapter 14 - Community protocols in Brazil. An instrument for the protection of indigenous peoples and traditional communities 

Part 4 - Spillover et Tensions 

  • Chapter 15 - The Nagoya Protocol, a future template for the restitution of cultural property ? 
  • Chapter 16 -  ABS and the digitisation of the living world 


Sous la direction de Catherine Aubertin, Anne Nivart

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